Vanessa Redgrave
Stane Sever


  The concept for the Prešeren web site was created by:

Bor Hojs, Andrej Klemenc, Boštjan Lajovic, Bibijana Mazzini, Miha Mazzini in Roman Peklaj.

The texts on the web site were written by:

Prof. Dr. Igor Grdina: Who could this man be? (The text was published in the book Prešeren.doc, published by Rokus)
Zmago pl. Jelinčič: Prešeren on Slovene money
Boštjan Lajovic: The Prešeren legend, Biography, Timeline, Map, Some of Prešeren's Contemporaries
Janez Mušič: Portraits of France Prešeren, Contemporaries on France Prešeren (only a few extracts from this book appear on the web site)
France Prešeren: Poems

English translation by: Maja Visenjak-Limon

The poems appearing on the web site are read in English by:

Simon Callow, Katrin Cartlidge, Vanessa Redgrave

The sound tracks of the readings of the poems appearing on this web site were published in the following talking books:

France Prešeren: Pesmi, Balade in romance (Poems, Ballads and Romances)
France Prešeren: Gazele, Sonetje in druge pesmi (Ghazals, Sonnets and Other Poems)
France Prešeren: Krst pri Savici in druge pesmi (The Baptism by the Savica and Other Poems)

An unabridged collection of the poems can be ordered on CD from: SANJE, Cesta 24. junija 23, 1231 Ljubljana, tel./fax: 01 561 2303

The sound tracks are published here with the permission of Založba Sanje. (p) For this publication, Založba Pasadena 2000.

The following kindly assisted us in the collecting of data and the design of the web site:

The Director of Jesenice Museum Nataša Kokošinek, Tomaž Košar (B & T), Davor Kastelec, Matjaž Potrč, Janja Znoj, Rok Zavrtanik (Sanje) in Boris Horvat (

Thank you.

Založba Pasadena © Založba Pasadena d.o.o., Ljubljana
web site programming TiBor, Dokumentarna d.o.o.
 skupina TiBor

This web site is optimised for Explorer 5.* and resolution 800x600 with 32-bit graphics.
The creation of the web site was supported financially by the Ministry of Culture.